Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Unlucky Day: real or not?

Image Detail         Have you ever experienced to be unlucky in one day? Me? I have. In fact,yesterday, September 06, 2011, was my unlucky day. It was the worse thing that I have ever experienced in my whole life where many bad things happened just in one day. That day was the 19th birthday of my younger sister, and there so many bad things happened during that day. I thought it was the last day of my life.  Thank God it's not or it would be the worst death that I've ever imagined. The bad things that happened during that have become worse and worse everytime. I tell you what unlucky things happened during that day.

        It started when I wake up in the morning. I was called to meet the interested buyer of our other house.  And then the meeting was made and there was a negotiation done. In fact, it was not the first meet, though it was with another representatives.  After that, unfortunately, the buyer set some schedule on the payment, but not on that day, though he is interested. Actually, he is not the buyer. He is only the representative negotiating in behalf of the buyer. That may be the first unlucky things that happened. If that may be the first, then the second unlucky thing that happened during that day was when I lost my cedula to be used in the transaction. I search but I found nothing. So I decided to apply it again. Of course, with payment . Indeed, it is not the worse that happened. It is not even the worst. But it is still on the list of unlucky things that have happened. The next was the worse and become worse and worse everytime. The third unlucky thing that happened was when I deliver the groceries so that It will be cooked before the party starts. But on my way, the wheel of my motorcycle became flat. So I go to a vulcanizing shop and so on. The fourth time was when I'm about to withdraw the ATM Card of my father. My father did not inform me that he changed the pin code. So I enter the wrong pin three times thinking that I am sure that it was the right code. But unfortunately, as expected the ATM Machine did not spit the card, instead it was stuck in there. And the fifth one happened too close from the fourth. Of course, because of what happened, I decided to call my father to inform what had happened but misfortune dominate my day. My cellphone run out of load. Unfortunately, I don't know about emergency calling. So, I thought of other possible things to do. Then I got the idea to ask for assistance in the bank. But still, unfortunately, the bank was close that time (not office hour). That's the sixth time. I run out of ideas and I have no choice but to go back home and inform my father. But when I get back home, I was scolded even though it was his mistake that he did not informed me. So, my friend, who has the knowledge, accompanied me there to get the card. But on our way, we are almost been crushed by a truck. But, thank God I was able to dodged the truck and luckily managed to avoid the accident. That was the seventh time. And the eight was when we get there, the manager was not around and we have no choice but to go back and wait for tomorrow. But on our way there, too close to our destination, the wheel of my motorcycle got flat again. And I was forced to bring it to a vulcanizing shop on foot. That's almost a kilometer far. I suppose it was the ninth. And whats worse, it takes almost 3 hours to repair it and I was able to go back home night. What an unlucky day it is.

         I have never experienced something like that in my whole life. At first, I don't believe in luck or badluck. Before, I did not believe such thing It's not even in my vocabulary. But now, I proved it. Is there really such thing like that? 

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